Sacral chakra essential oils can support you as you journey towards health and wellness using the intelligence of the Chakra System. Remember: the bottom line is self-care. There is a lot you can do to support your health and wellness. In this article, I explore various essential oils to assist you.
The second chakra, the sacral chakra, activates our ability to feel pleasure and joy in our lives. Through a balanced sacral chakra, we ripen and move towards self-awareness and joyfulness.
When the sacral chakra is balanced, we are playful, spontaneous, expressive and connected to ourselves. Because we are conscious and comfortable, we interact with others in nurturing, joyful and loving ways.
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What Is The Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is responsible for movement and flow within our lives. It addresses sexuality, creativity and emotions. There is no fear when our sacral chakra is open and in balance. We are happy to jump into a cool lake without fear, share a nurturing hug with a friend, and express our emotions in love and trust. When our sacral chakra is aligned, we become creative and create without worry of it “not being good enough”, whether it’s drawing a heart in the sand, painting a picture, coloring or creating life.
The sacral chakra, when in check and supported by a balanced root chakra, is the place where creation can happen.
The chakra system “represents the power centres of our bodies. The chakras are vertically aligned from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. They are considered the anatomy of the human spirit.” (
How to locate your chakras
To find the flow of expressions available to us through the Sacral Chakra, we must first feel safe. Think of children playing in a schoolyard, at a swimming pool or in a park – in these circumstances there is safety. Boundaries are set up through fences and signs. Trained lifeguards watch over the children swimming at a swimming pool. Parents provide supervision and guidance. In most cases, children are taught and encouraged to help adults keep them safe by expressing themselves to set boundaries when playing with friends, they are heard and guided. Through this, they learn their limits; talk to an adult when they need help; express their emotions as they come up; and play uninhibited without hurting each other. There is trust.
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the element of water. When water is contained, say, in a river, with rocks and clay at its sides, it swirls, it rocks, and it flows.
In Sanskrit, the sacral chakra is named Svadhishthana, which means sweetness.
What does Sacral Chakra Imbalance Look Like?
The 7 Chakra Centres
Individuals with an imbalanced sacral chakra might find themselves repressing sexuality and emotions, believe themselves to not have the ability to be creative, and tend to disconnect from each other.
We all have access to these parts of ourselves, but, perhaps through an overactive root chakra, stimulated or stuck in survival mode due to the effects of colonialism, religious beliefs, gender roles and expectations, we find ourselves imbalanced and stuck.
As described in an article on, imbalances in our sacral chakra might look like:
- An unhealthy dependency or co-dependency with others, or a substance that grants you easy access to pleasure.
- Being ruled by your emotions.
- Numbness and disconnection with yourself and how you feel
- Overindulgence in fantasies and sexual obsessions or the opposite – lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
- Feeling stuck in a feeling or mood
If we are supported by our roots in a healthy way we might move into the expressions of our Sacral Chakra. When we look at the issues stemming from an imbalanced sacral chakra, situations may set us back into our roots, where the survival skills of fight, freeze, flee or friend may become stimulated and moving forward in to joy becomes tough.
As described by, the Sacral Chakra supports the foundation of our feelings of well being and personal expansion and the formation of identity through relating to others and the world. When our sacral chakra is in balance not only are we expressive creatively and emotionally, but our relationships become healthy, pleasurable and enjoyable because we are not using them as means to our survival and feeling of connection and placement in our world.
A balanced Sacral Chakra may look like:
- The ability to be playful and seek and enjoy simple pleasures
- Uninhibited creative and emotional expression
- A healthy sense of our sexuality and the ability to enjoy sensual experiences
Essential Oils and the Chakra System
You may use specific sounds to support your sacral chakra.
In a thorough article found on, an Integrated Professional/Life Coach and Energy Healer states that essential oils are relevant to healing the chakra system due to the relevancy of the energy work involved. The therapeutic attributes of essential oils aid in the energetic imbalances that manifest in the physical body. Both are subtle in nature, but energetic imbalances are complex and “one part of a holistic puzzle.”
To help balance your sacral chakra, you may use essential oils with your yoga and meditation practice. Child’s pose and upward facing dog pose are known poses to assist in caring for your sacral chakra. If you like music, here is a good article on healing sound frequencies for the sacral chakra.
Top 5 Essential Oils for the Sacral Chakra
Let’s explore the top 5 essential oils to balance our sacral chakra and how they can be used.
1. Orange Essential Oil
The sacral chakra can be activated by the color orange. Translucent orange to be precise. Experts say by meditating and visioning the color orange, spending time being around the color orange, wearing orange and even eating an orange can help activate and bring balance to the sacral chakra. Orange is a happy, joyful and playful color and the scent of orange essential oil is powerful to activate the second chakra and inspire our sense of play and creativity and it can do so much more.
Orange Essential Oil, known as Citrus sinensis, is cold pressed from the peel of the orange fruit. It can be used with precautions in recipes, such as beverages and desserts; added into soaps and creams; added to a carrier oil for topical use, diffused into the air or worn in a personal diffuser as an air purifier.
The sacral chakra is located 1 to 2 inches below the body. According to an article found at, titled, 13 Amazing Benefits of Orange Essential Oil written by Meenakshi Nagdere, Orange Essential Oil can benefit the organs within the sacral area of the body in the following ways:
- Stimulates urination
- Removes excessive gas from the intestinal system
- Regulates menstruation
- Improves erectile issues
- Increases libido
- Regulates the secretion of digestive juices, stimulating bile, hormones and enzymes
Orange Essential Oil is a powerful essential oil for the Sacral Chakra.
2. Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Derived from the flowers of the Cananga odorata herb, Ylang Ylang essential oil smells amazing and is a wonderful essential oil to balance and stimulate the sacral chakra (or to use for emotional balancing in general).
The Sacral Chakra is responsible for our sacred organs. Imagine the triangle and the inverted triangle and its representation of male and female energy for a moment. The sacral chakra is the place where our sense of masculine and feminine balance; where our expressions of emotion, sensuality and sexuality are possible.
Ylang Ylang essential oil works for the sacral chakra by promoting a sense of calm and peace while acting as an aphrodisiac. It helps diminish feelings of stress and anxiety, can relieve symptoms of depression, and promotes a feeling of well being and boosts self esteem. What a sexy essential oil!
Balance and stimulate the sacral chakra by adding Ylang Ylang essential oil to a carrier oil for a sensual massage, applying to your feet, wearing as a scent topically or in a personal diffuser. It’s also excellent to diffuse into the air during meditation or your yoga practice.
3. Neroli Essential Oil
Neroli Essential Oil is similar to Orange essential oil because it comes from the same tree, but it is produced from different parts of the tree. Orange comes from the peel of the orange fruit, while Neroli comes from the flower of the Orange Tree. The essential oil of Neroli does not have the same distinct smell as Orange essential oil. Its properties are somewhat different due to the difference in processing.
Also: Neroli’s price tag is much higher than most other essential oils due to the sheer amount of orange tree blossoms (flowers) needed to create just one single drop of Neroli. But if you can make the investment, it’s totally worth it!
Like many other essential oils for the sacral chakra, Neroli essential oil alleviates symptoms from anxiety and stress-related depression. It helps stimulate an under-active sacral chakra with its intoxicating, floral, sweet, honey-like scent. It can be used in recipes for an essential oil blend to balance your sacral chakra.
Benefits of Neroli essential oil as described by Annie Price in her article on, include:
- Reduces stress and improves symptoms of menopause
- Decreases blood pressure and cortisol levels (hormones responsible for stress response that trigger fight, flee, freeze or friend strategies for survival.)
- Relieves symptoms from premenstrual syndrome
- Ease labor by helping to reduce fear and anxiety and as a rub to help with pain in the lower back
4. Sandalwood Essential Oil
Sandalwood essential oil is highly recommended by experts to help balance the sacral chakra. Starchaser describes Sandalwood Essential Oil as the “quintessential essential oil” for the sacra chakra. With its woodsy and warming smell, Sandalwood Essential Oil “promotes a sense of contentment with self.”
A healthy sense of self and self-acceptance is crucial to expressions of sensuality, sexuality, creativity and emotional expression. If you are not expressing yourself from a place of self-acceptance, this can put you in a vulnerable position leading to traumas that can create imbalances in the rest of your chakra system, for example; overstimulation of the root chakra, the closing up of your heart chakra, and disillusionment in your third-eye and crown chakras.
Sandalwood Essential Oil stimulates sensual and spiritual love that allows us to access feelings of pleasure and joy. It assists to regulate hormones in the reproductive systems.
5. Jasmine Essential Oil
Described as having the ability to liberate and release inhibitions, Jasmine essential oil is excellent to aid the sacral chakra centre. Jasmine Essential Oil promotes love, sensuality, sexuality and creativity. It joyfully opens the sacral chakra. The scent properties of magical Jasmine Essential Oil inspire encouragement to live in the moment. It balances hormones and promotes wholeness within the self.
Blends to help heal and balance the Sacral Chakra
Young Living provides two essential oil blends to assist in the healing of the Sacral Chakra. Acceptance and Harmony.
Acceptance Essential Oil created by Young Living is described as an oil that stimulates the mind and has been specially designed to promote feelings of accepting ourselves and others, regardless of perceived barriers. Young Living recommends using this essential oil during times of change to ease stress and help adapt to new situations.
It is comprised of the following oils:
For more information on the Harmony Essential Oil Blend for the Sacral Chakra please see the explanations at the bottom of my article here.
Affirmations to Strengthen your Sacral Chakra
“I feel”, is the mantra of the sacral chakra. When we come to a place of inner connectedness and acknowledge our feelings in a present and conscious state, we can move forward into willingness to act through intention with the help of our third chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra). There are many essential oils to balance the Sacral Chakra to help you find that place.
Your affirmations during meditation from a balanced sacral chakra may be:
- I feel confident in my choices
- I feel playful
- I feel respect for myself and others
- I feel courageous and strong
- I feel joyful
Through the sacral chakra we access our ability to feel pleasure in simple moments throughout our daily lives.
“There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it.” – Elizabeth A. Behnke
Final Thoughts
Essential oils and the flowers, herbs and trees they come from are considered sacred. Each essential oil is powerful in its ability to support health and wellness.
You cannot care for others until you care for yourself. I feel this is the ultimate message of the Sacral Chakra. At first, self-care and self-love may seem selfish. But when your cup is full and your energy is in the right place, you can act in more nurturing and loving ways.
If you’ve read this article, you may already have done a lot!
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