“Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung
Mother Nature doesn’t lie. It’s very simple in the way it communicates to us both as we live within it and the way it lives within us. When there’s balance it is quite magical – flowers and fruit grow, trees thrive, our ecosystem is humble. When there is balance within us, we feel joyful, energetic, connected and healthy.
When there is an imbalance, our systems naturally seek re-balance. Without a conscious effort to do so, our systems might find a way to re-balance in a way that isn’t always comfortable or ideal – our flowers and fruit might get diseases, our trees might get sick, our ecosystem reminds us who is boss through hurricanes, thunderstorms and increasing heat. Within the system of our bodies, an imbalance can lead to feelings of dis-ease and disconnection, and when we feel these things and ignore the first signs it can lead to illness, addiction and mental health problems.
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- The Chakra System
- The Root Chakra – The First of the Seven Chakras
- Using Essential Oils to Unblock the Root Chakra System
- Top 5 Essential Oils for Balancing your Root Chakra
- Essential Oil Blends to heal your Root Chakra System
- Essential Oil Uses to help Bring balance to your Root Chakra System
- Are you imbalanced?
- Over to you…
The Chakra System
The 7 Chakras
The Chakra System has been described by experts as a “spiritual nervous system” within the body that exists at seven significant points along our spine (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown).
It is part of Ayurvedic medicine that stems from India. The word Chakra means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit, and acknowledges energy as a life force that works its way up and down the spine as part of our body’s ecosystem.
Everyone has a chakra system. It is an intelligent and complex way to acknowledge the way our body, mind and spirit interact to bring health and wellness into our lives. Using Chakra intelligence to stay connected to ourselves both when we have a healthful balance or when issues within our physical and emotional self arise, can help keep us healthy and increase our quality of life.
When one Chakra is out of balance or “blocked” the others cannot function in a way that provides us with clarity and health and can lead to unhelpful behaviors and habits that compromise our quality of life. Sometimes we are functioning in dysfunction and can become comfortable in that thinking it is our norm, but when you learn more about your internal system and acknowledge blocks or issues, you can find comfort and wellness you never knew you had access to. Using the map and intelligence of the Chakra System to find blocks and fix them can help you find balance and feel good.
The Root Chakra – The First of the Seven Chakras
“A tree with strong roots laughs at storms.” – Malay Proverb
The root chakra (Mujadara in Sanskrit) is at the base of your spine and supports the rest of the chakra system. The root chakra also relies on the rest of the chakra system to function well for its own quality and growth. Through our root chakras we draw nutrients and energy from the ground (earth) it cycles up through the rest of the chakras and comes back down where we release toxins and what we don’t need.
When the root chakra is out of balance it can put the other seven chakras in a position of overcompensation/under compensation. When the other six chakras are trying to provide what only the root chakra can provide it takes a toll on your health and well being and you might find yourself somehow stuck, or as mentioned previously, unwell physically or mentally.
Using Essential Oils to Unblock the Root Chakra System
Obviously, I love essential oils and I love that I can use them to support my health and well-being by paying attention to my body with the use of chakra mapping and medicine. Both are a constant learning and, I believe, an important part of self-love and care. Just as nature provides us with the intelligence to acknowledge and identify imbalances within our ecosystems, she also provides us with the means to heal and support those imbalances. You can use essential oils to support a healthy root chakra and/or bring to balance an overactive or under-active root chakra.
In an article posted on www.chakras.info.com it states that an imbalance in the root chakra can reveal itself as an extreme sense of insecurity, which can lead us to “see red”, so-to-speak. It states:
“As the chakra of grounding, the first chakra governs your inner sense of security and place in this world. An overactive root chakra can trigger extreme feelings of insecurity. To rekindle the security you once felt within the core of your being, you now cling to outside influences to compensate or fill the void.”
“The color red is associated with the first chakra for more than one reason. Yes, red is the color of energy, love, and power. However, it is also associated with negativity, which can come out in full force when the root chakra is overactive.”
Checking in with our roots – Signs of an imbalance in the Root Chakra:
- Physical: Issues in our physical bodies from the waist down: Feet, legs and hips
- Digestive issues
- Mental: Inability to focus, set goals and reach them.
- Mental: Dependency on others/Co-dependency (control others)
- Mental: Clinging to security – food, loved ones, routines, possessions
- Emotional: Anger, Frustration, Depression, Restlessness, Cynical, Fear, Guilt, Doubt
It can be a painful and yet humbling experience to look at the issues stemming from our root chakra and acknowledge where we might be experiencing blocks and issues. Think of that tall, healthy tree standing in a forest, its roots are healthy, deep, and strong. It knows it can access its inner resources to nurture and nourish the earth while relying on the earth to access what it needs. It believes. It trusts the universe. It is stable and secure through its confidence.
Getting grounded and digging deep
Imagine these moments for a minute. You are at a beach barefoot. The sun is shining. You can smell the water and hear the waves. The sand is warm. You walk up to the waters edge and dig your toes into the dense, wet sand.
You’re in a garden. You dig into the dirt. The further down you go the thicker the soil. It is dense with moisture and you can smell the earth. You stick your fingers into it.
Your affirmations in these moments may be:
- I am present.
- I am safe.
- I am at peace.
- I am confident.
- I am one.
When your root chakra system is in balance you find yourself feeling present, confident and capable. You know you can provide for yourself. You know you can access your inner and outside resources to provide yourself with your basic needs, such as food, shelter, water, security and safety. You feel energetic and focused. With all of these in check you can move forward, perhaps finding the time and energy for creative and/or emotional expression, finding a lover and bearing children (Solar Plexus Chakra) or building a business or home.
Top 5 Essential Oils for Balancing your Root Chakra
Essential Oils balance your chakra system with the unique healing support each essential oil provides. Each essential oil for your root chakra system can ground, calm and uplift you. Essential oils work subtly to balance your chakra system. Using them can instantly uplift your spirits to help you feel calm, grounded and connect you to nature to realize you’re supported.
Essential Oils can be used to decrease the overactivity of hyper-aroused Root Chakra System or activate and underactive Root Chakra System. You can also use essential oils to maintain Root Chakra health. Specific oils for activating the Root Chakra System include Cinnamon, Cedarwood, and Frankincense. Use Myrrh, Vetiver and Cedarwood essential oils to calm an overactive Root Chakra.
Since our metaphor for the chakra system and our roots is the tree, let’s start with one of my favorite essential oils to balance the root chakra system: Cedarwood.
1. Cedarwood Essential Oil
Cedarwood Essential Oil is an oil that plays a big role in balancing your root chakra system. It’s the oil that is like a nurturing hug, it reminds you that you’re not alone. Diffuse it in your living space and you have a sense that you’re among the trees. On days when you feel frustrated, diffusing Cedarwood Essential Oil calms and cools your environment, giving you a sense of ease, calm and confidence in your capabilities. You can wear Cedarwood Essential Oil for Root Chakra Healing on the back of your neck or wrists and/or add to creams and shampoos/conditioners. It’s a phenomenal oil that instantly connects you to the woods when you can’t get to one.
2. Patchouli Essential Oil
Patchouli Essential Oil is one of the happiest oils. Patchouli is the oil that is like the cheerleader at your side, giving you the confidence to laugh through the tough times and believe in yourself no matter what. Patchouli Essential Oil is described in an article published by www.aromaweb.com, as “rich, earthy, and grounding.” Often used as a fragrance on the skin, Patchouli Essential Oil helps balance the root chakra system with its grounding and earthy nature. When used in aromatherapy to balance or open the root chakra system, Patchouli Essential Oil relieves stress, increases well-being and can bring about a sense of joy.
Diffuse Patchouli Essential Oil into the air to balance your Root Chakra, wear on your wrists or the back of your neck. Add a few drops to a personalized diffuser and wear around your neck.
3. Myrrh Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil is one of the oldest essential oils known to humankind. Since it is a powerful essential oil it makes sense that it’s found a use as an essential oil for Root Chakra Healing.
Myrrh Essential Oil is derived from the sap of the Commiphora myrrh tree. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (reducing the red). You can use myrrh Essential Oil in a diffuser to promote feelings of wellness and peace. Because of its properties that stimulate the brain when inhaled, the scents of myrrh Essential Oil can bring balance to the Root Chakra System by helping you notice your emotions as they come up. Myrrh Essential Oil stimulates the brain and brings a sense of presence that allows us to connect with our emotions and work through what’s needed to bring them from the negative to the positive, allowing you to move forward with increased energy and focus.
Use myrrh essential oil in a diffuser during meditation to bring a balance to your Root Chakra System and repeat your mantras.
4. Frankincense Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil is another one of the oldest essential oils known. It is a powerful essential oil with properties that help calm and soothe your spirits.
Frankincense is considered a sacred oil known to have many uses. When used to bring balance to the Root Chakra System, Frankincense Essential Oil can work as an antidepressant. It’s warm and earthy scent is grounding and uplifting. Use Frankincense Essential Oil in a diffuser during meditation while repeating your “I am” mantras or during your yoga practice. Wear on your skin throughout the day or add a few drops to your favourite personal diffuser.
5. Vetiver Essential Oil
Vetiver Essential Oil is one of the most popular essential oils for balancing your Root Chakra system. When feelings of restlessness, frustration and anxiety come up and wreak havoc on our ability to focus and be productive in our lives, Vetiver Essential Oil can be relied on to help bring a sense of calm and relaxation. If hyperactivity is taking place in your Root Chakra System, using Vetiver Essential Oil will help ease your mind. Use it topically, or diffuse into the air during meditation, or to help you rest.
Essential Oil Blends to heal your Root Chakra System
Any of the above essential oils can be used in a blend of your own creation and are often found in blends provided by some of the more popular brands.
Essential oil bands Doterra and Young Living both make essential oil blends to support Chakra System health, reduce an inflamed Root Chakra when you are seeing red, or kick-start a sluggish Root Chakra when you are feeling low.
To open your root chakra, Young Living recommends its Harmony Blend. It is a blend comprised of the following oils:
The Harmony Oil by Young Living to open your Root Chakra, while costly, packs a lot of punch. These oils are 100% therapeutic grade. The company offers points per dollars spent and special deals as incentives when enrolled in its membership program.
Yoga instructor and ranked as a Diamond for DoTerra Essential oils, Anabelle Carson, recommends DoTerra Balance Blend to use during your yoga practice for your Root Chakra in an article titled Yoga and Essential Oils by DoTerra at www.doterra.com. The Balance Blend is described by DoTerra at www.doterra.com as a “grounding blend that promotes tranquility while bringing harmony to the mind and body, and balance to the emotions.” The essential oils that comprise the Balance Blend for your root chakra include:
- Spruce
- Ho Wood
- Frankincense
- Blue Tansy
- Blue Chamomile
- Coconut Oil
Essential Oil Uses to help Bring balance to your Root Chakra System
Essential Oils can be used along with other activities, such as yoga and meditation to help bring balance to your Root Chakra System. Since signs of a balanced Root Chakra System include feelings of grounded-ness, confidence and presence, mantras such as I am… confident, I am… strong, during meditation while diffusing any of the above essential oils in to the air, can help you find that sense of stability within yourself. Grounding Yoga poses, such as Warrior and Mountain pose can also help remove blocks to your Root Chakra System and bring about balance.
Adding any of the above essential oils to a carrier oil and rubbing on the base of your spine; or adding to salts in a warm bath can help heal the Root Chakra System.
Devote a day to your Root Chakra and to yourself. Spend a day nature bathing in your bare feet; give yourself an hour to practise your Warrior poses; give yourself 15 minutes on a Root Chakra Balancing Meditation and finish your day with a Red Curried Dinner, or Pasta dish and warm bath. Use your favorite essential oils to balance your Root Chakra System. Connecting with ourselves in these ways can significantly alter your quality of life and help you rise into your personal power, sense of joy and courage to access what the universe offers and graciously provides.
Are you imbalanced?
With seven chakras in our system to keep in check, it can be hard to know where an imbalance may be. Use the following online test provided by https://www.chakras.info/chakra-test/ to help give you more insight. It will give you the choice to provide an email address if you would like to sign up for updates, or you can opt out.
Over to you…
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